Black and White Damask

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Procrastination. It's what I do best.

Okay, so I know my last post said to look for a post in the first week of May... Clearly, that did not happen. I've been a little busy freaking out about my grades and work. So. Yeah. I also kind of had a little internet retreat, so my facebook was slightly neglected as well. Also, I'm thinking that the whole list-a-month idea is a little lame. I will just post a list when I feel like I have a good one. Anywho.

So I recently discovered pretty paper products and Mod Podge. Pictures to follow.

Yeah. They're pretty epic. Composition notebooks, if you were wondering. I'm thinking about making them for people. Money may be involved. Mua ha ha! Just kidding. Almost.

So I recently finished the game "Epic Mickey" for the Wii. Let me just say how incredibly hard that was. That was extremely and very incredibly hard. But I did it. And apparently there are two ways of playing that game: being good or being bad. I chose being good and it worked out pretty well for me. I don't think I'll be trying to be bad for a very long time. I have had enough of that game for a while. I almost cried at the end.

College grades suck. Just thought you should know.

Things I'm excited for:
1. Spending a whole lot of free time at Lagoon. (season passport, baby)
2. Owl City!!!! (concert on July 13th)
3. My flippin' pay raise because I've worked at Payless for 6 months now!
4. Getting my summer tan (which isn't much, but, eh, I'll take it)
5. The world not ending. Again. :)

So long!

PS: I have decided that I was not mature enough to name this blog when it was created. Therefore, it needs a new name. I have created a poll on the page at the top right corner. Please only pick your two favorite titles, no more than two. If you hate all of them, leave a comment with an idea. Thanks! :)